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Northern Cottonmouth

Water Moccasin

  • Scientific Name:

    Agkistrodon piscivorus
  • Aquatic and Terrestrial

  • Native

  • Snakes

  • Venomous


A medium snake- 15 to 55 inches long. Dark tan, brown, or nearly black, with vague black or dark brown crossbands. Side of head is black with a white line from the eye to the angle of the mouth. Underside is dark with large blackish blotches. Scales are keeled (ridged) and in 25 rows. Juveniles have a bold pattern of dark brown crossbands on a pink or orange background, with a yellow tail. Some adults retain the juvenile pattern.

A Restricted Snake Permit is required for possession of any native and non-native venomous snake species in Louisiana.

Range and Habitat

Found throughout Louisiana. They frequent swamplands and pond, lake, and stream borders, especially those with dense canopies. They often remain coiled near water, or on log jams in water, rarely ascending shrubs or palmettos. They frequently travel between streams, even over low ridges, and can be found in almost any habitat.


Upon provocation, cottonmouths will coil, open their mouths to expose the white lining, and shake their tails. They are highly defensive and not inclined to get out of one's way. They feed on fish, frogs, water snakes, and small mammals. They give birth to 2 to 20 young.

Population Status

Relatively common in many places. Populations are considered stable within the state.