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Quail, Rabbit, and Squirrel

Hunting, Research, and Management

Hunting quail, rabbit, or squirrel (small game) in Louisiana is the perfect gateway into hunting. It’s relatively inexpensive and, in the case of squirrel and rabbit, the species are abundant with plenty of hunting opportunities on public land. In Louisiana, there are two species of squirrel (gray and fox squirrels) and two species of rabbit (eastern cottontails and swamp rabbits). Bobwhite quail can be found in Louisiana, though populations aren’t as plentiful as they once were.

Research and Management

LDWF conducts surveys to develop population indices and track population trends for small game species (quail, rabbit, and squirrel). Using this information, managers set hunting seasons and regulations. LDWF conducts other research to improve management, offers technical assistance to improve small game habitat on public and private lands, and participates in various regional and national committees involved in monitoring and managing small game.

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