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Louisiana Black Bear

Hunting, Research, and Management

Louisiana’s official state mammal, the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) is also the state’s most recent conservation success story. One of 16 unique subspecies of the American black bear (Ursus americanus americanus) in North America, the Louisiana black bear was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1992. Years of overexploitation from bear hunting in the 19th and early 20th centuries and widespread deforestation from manufacturing of wood products and clearing lands for agriculture drastically reduced the population and distribution of Louisiana black bear. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of multiple stakeholders to monitor black bear population numbers, restore black bear habitat, and protect the subspecies for the long term, the Louisiana black bear has now recovered and was removed from the list in 2016. The Louisiana black bear’s recovery is a symbol of effective wildlife management approaches and the value of protection under the Endangered Species Act.

— Black Bear Hunting —

Learn more about LDWF's black bear hunting lottery, permit types, season, regulations, preference points, and more.

Population Monitoring

LDWF continues to conduct research to monitor demographic and genetic characteristics of the individual subpopulations of Louisiana black bear. Research projects include:

  • Annual non-invasive hair sampling to estimate abundance, rate-of-change, and apparent survival and investigate genetic characteristics.
  • Annual live-trapping and radio-collaring of bears to monitor changes in survival rates as well as mortality rates and causes
  • Annual winter den checks to monitor reproductive rates, combined with family group walk-ins during the summer to monitor recruitment rates (survival of cubs)
  • Annual tracking of radio-collared bears, confirmation of reports of sightings or human-bear conflicts, and non-invasive hair sampling to monitor range expansion.

Collectively, data from these projects will allow LDWF to monitor the status of the greater Louisiana black bear population and inform LDWF’s conservation and management decisions.


As the state wildlife management agency, LDWF has a responsibility to ensure Louisiana black bear subpopulations live on into the future. In 2015, LDWF released a management plan (link) that creates a framework from which LDWF and stakeholders can work to maintain a sustainable Louisiana black bear population within the state and ensure the subspecies remains a valued part of our wildlife community. The plan balances the needs of bears with the needs, expectations, and responsibilities of the public. Specific actions include:

  • Maintaining sufficient suitable habitat
  • Maintaining connectivity among subpopulations
  • Continuing to monitor subpopulation demographics to support timely, well-informed management decisions
  • Mitigating manmade causes of mortality to reduce unnecessary losses to subpopulations.

Although the subspecies has recovered in Louisiana, conservation challenges remain, especially related to bears and humans. Bears and humans can coexist—advancing research, managing human-bear conflicts, and promoting education are all integral to keeping the bear population healthy and the public accepting and tolerant of bears.

louisiana black bear management plan

Black Bear Hunting Lottery

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries opens applications for black bear hunting permits between August and September of each year.  There is a $50.00 application fee to apply for the permit. All black bear lottery fees and license revenue go to the management and conservation of the Louisiana black bear.


learn more about The Black bear  Season and Hunting lottery

— For More Information —

Contact John Hanks at or 318.343.4044

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