The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) approved a Notice of Intent (NOI) to amend Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) regulations pertaining to the detection of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The action came during the Commission’s April meeting Thursday (April 6) in Baton Rouge.

The NOI reads, in part: While participation is voluntary, DMAP Tier 1 participants within 5 miles of a CWD positive detection will no longer be required to meet the 1,000 acre minimum. In addition, enrollment fees will be waived and enrollment may occur at any time during the current deer season. Participants will be required to collect biological data and may be required to submit CWD samples.

The amendment will increase CWD management capacity to hunters in close proximity to a positive detection while fostering increased communication and data collection in areas where the disease has been detected.

To see the full NOI go to

For more information, contact Johnathan Bordelon at