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Goggle-eye, Red-eye Perch, Bream


Thick-bodied, long sunfish with red eyes and a large mouth. When closed, the back of the mouth is in line with the eye. Adults have three to five dark red-brown stripes radiating from the back of the eye across the gill cover. Body is dark and covered with a mottled brown pattern that fades to a golden color along the belly. Typically range from 4 to 10 inches long and can weigh up to over 2 pounds.

Range and Habitat

Lives in most rivers, streams, and lakes and are widespread throughout the eastern and central United States. Prefers submerged vegetation, stumps, logs, brush, and steeply sloping shorelines. Can tolerate muddy water conditions better than most sunfish species. 


Spawning starts in the spring once water temperatures reach 70°F and continues throughout the summer. Like other sunfish, males create nest in shallow water. Unlike other sunfish, warmouth nests are often solo and close to protected areas such as logs, submerged vegetation, or other submerged objects. Carnivorous sight feeders, their diet consist of crustaceans, insects, and small fishes. 

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