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Why Join LDWF

Employment at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) offers an incredible opportunity to contribute to the preservation of Louisiana's unique natural resources. By working with LDWF, you'll be directly involved in managing, promoting, and conserving the state's rich fish and wildlife populations. Louisiana is home to some of the most diverse ecosystems in the United States, and the work you do will help ensure that these ecosystems remain vibrant and sustainable for generations to come. Whether it's monitoring fisheries, protecting endangered species, or restoring vital habitats, every day offers a chance to make a tangible difference in preserving the state's natural heritage.



Our Mission:
To manage, conserve, and promote wise utilization of Louisiana’s renewable fish and wildlife resources and their supporting habitats through replenishment, protection, enhancement, research, development, and education for the social and economic benefit of current and future generations; to provide opportunities for knowledge of and use and enjoyment of these resources; and to promote a safe and healthy environment for the users of the resources.



LDWF has offices throughout the state, including Baton Rouge, Bourg, Forest Hill, Hammond, Lacombe, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Minden, Monroe, New Orleans, and Pineville. 

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) actively recruits dedicated individuals from across the state who are passionate about advancing the agency's conservation goals. Whether in field roles, such as wildlife biologists, law enforcement officers, and habitat managers, or in office-based positions, including administrative and research staff, LDWF seeks employees who are committed to preserving and protecting Louisiana's rich natural resources. The agency values a diverse range of skills and expertise, providing opportunities for those interested in wildlife conservation, environmental education, policy development, and resource management. By hiring individuals who share its vision, LDWF ensures effective stewardship of Louisiana's ecosystems for future generations.


"I am blessed to have a career where I can share my love for the outdoors and help others learn about the amazing resources we have right here in our backyard. I have been working at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for over 20 years and still get excited to go to work, never taking for granted the opportunity I have been given to share my experience so others can learn to love and enjoy the outdoors, especially fishing! I am surrounded by highly driven, motivated, and knowledgeable staff that make work enjoyable. We take pride in providing aquatic education and outreach, assistance to fishermen, and increasing access and opportunities throughout the state." - Danica Williams, Biologist Program Manager, Fisheries Outreach and Education


Employee Benefits



Health Insurance The State offers multiple health insurance programs and pays a large portion of the monthly health insurance premium. If upon your retirement you have at least 20 years of participation in a State health insurance plan, you and your spouse have the option to continue in the State’s Health Insurance plan for the rest of your life with the premium costs remaining the same as an Active Employee; the rate is lowered upon obtaining coverage with Medicare (normally age 65).


See Health Plan Options:
Dental Insurance Employees have access to optional dental insurance plans for basic, preventive, and major dental services.
Vision Insurance  Employees have access to optional vision insurance plans for coverage for routine care, preventive eye care such as eye exams, eyewear, and other services at a reduced cost.

The State partners with Access Health to provide primary and preventative care to members enrolled in one of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana health plans without the hassle of scheduling an appointment and the benefit of no out-of-pocket expenses.


See Access2Day:
Flexible Benefits Plans

The State offers four Flexible Benefits Plans that allow you to pay for certain eligible out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision care expenses for the employee, their spouse, and federal tax dependents using pre-tax dollars.


See Flexible Benefits Plan Overview:

Live Better Louisiana

Members enrolled in a Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan can receive a $120 annual ($10 monthly) premium credit for their health coverage after participating in an annual health screening or providing documentation from your primary care provider following your annual wellness visit.

Blue 365

Members of Blue Cross can sign up for Blue365 which offers health and wellness deals such as discounted gym membership fees at select fitness locations.

Disease Management Program

Employees enrolled in select health care plans that have diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, may be eligible to take part in the disease management program from Blue Cross at no cost. The program provides health coaching with Blue Cross nurses, personalized support, educational materials, and reduces prescription costs.


See Office of Group Benefits Stronger Than Ever:




Life Insurance The state offers three optional, fully-insured life insurance plans through The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) and pays half of the life insurance premium for covered employees and retirees. Newly hired employees who enroll within 30 days of employment are eligible for life insurance without providing evidence of insurability.


See Life Insurance Options:
Premium Conversion Premium Conversion, payment of premium using pre-tax dollars, is automatic for all employees participating in a State health insurance plan, life insurance plan, and/or other voluntary/statewide product that is eligible for pre-tax deductions (e.g., select dental insurance plans, vision insurance plans, etc.).




Family Medical Leave Qualifying employees receive up to twelve weeks (480 hours) of unpaid, job protected leave for their own serious health condition or to care for an immediate family member’s serious health condition. Employees are required to use their accrued sick or annual leave in conjunction with Family Medical Leave.
Parental Leave

Parental leave allows a legal parent of a newborn or adoptive parent to take up to six weeks (240) hours of paid parental leave to bond with the child. There are certain criteria that need to me met in order to qualify.

For more information:




Market Adjustments Market Adjustments are annual pay increases afforded to employees with positive performance evaluations and in active status for at least six months prior to the date of annual market adjustments. The annual increase typically ranges from 3%-4% of base salary, dependent upon which quartile an employee’s current pay falls.




Employee Purchase Program

Some vendors offer special deals for state employees (e.g., discount cellular devices, services, and other items) which are listed on the Office of State Procurement website. Use of the program is voluntary and no product is endorsed by the State.


See Employee Purchase Program:




Defined Benefit Plan

Employees participate in the Louisiana State Employees Retirement System (LASERS) and do not contribute to Social Security. New LASERS members contribute 8% of salary towards retirement and accrue benefits at 2.5% of average compensation based on the highest consecutive 60 months of earnings.  WLF Enforcement Agents participate in the LASERS Hazardous Duty plan and contribute 9.5% of salary towards retirement and accrue benefits at 3.33% of average compensation based on the highest consecutive 60 months of earnings. Retirement benefits are paid monthly and are guaranteed for your lifetime.

 See the LASERS Member Guide:
Deferred Compensation Plan

Employees may choose to enroll in the Louisiana’s 457(B) Deferred Compensation plan which is an optional, supplemental retirement plan that allows additional tax-deferred retirement savings.

 For more information:
Purchase of Service Credits

There are several mechanisms that enable state employees to purchase service credit. For example, once an employee has at least 5 years of service in LASERS, the employee may purchase up to five years of additional service credit, or Air Time, in one-year increments; this effectively counts as service time worked to increase retirement benefits and/or change your retirement eligibility.

 See the LASERS Member Guide:




Annual and Sick Leave Depending on the number of years of state service, full-time employees accrue 12 to 24 days of annual and sick leave each year, which can be accumulated and saved for future use. There is no “use it or lose it” policy. Annual and sick leave balances can be converted to years of service at retirement or paid out as a lump-sum at a reduced rate
Holidays Employees receive at least 10 paid holidays each year (New Year's, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mardi Gras, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas). Additional holidays may be proclaimed by the Governor.
Military Leave The state grants up to 15 paid days of military leave per year for employees who serve in the Reserve Unit of the Armed Forces or National Guard. There are other leave options available for members of the National Guard who are called to duty by the Governor due to a declared emergency.
Crisis Leave LDWF has a crisis leave pool which is used by employees who cannot work due to a crisis situation and who do not have leave to cover an absence needed for a crisis situation. A qualifying employee will receive leave that ensures wage replacement of 75% of their regularly scheduled work week. Leave is donated by other employees, so is only available if there is a balance in the crisis leave pool.
Other Leave The state provides mechanisms for other forms of leave (e.g., funeral leave, jury duty leave, education leave, etc.).




Flexible Work Schedules Most LDWF employees have the option to work a traditional work schedule (e.g. an 8-hour workday, Monday - Friday) or define a flexible work schedule within guidelines. Many of the field staff work a 4 day/10 hour schedule, but there are other options as well.




Overtime Compensation In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), some employees qualify for overtime compensation payments. Employees can be compensated for overtime through payment or by earning compensatory time (a.k.a., k-time) for overtime hours worked. K-Time can be used for personal leave in lieu of Annual Leave.