The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) will close oyster harvest in a portion of the public oyster seed grounds east of the Mississippi River, north of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, and within the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) Shellfish Harvest Area 3, one half-hour after sunset on Sunday, December 22, 2024, as follows:
- That portion of the public oyster seed grounds within the Drum Bay area, St. Bernard Parish, north of a line of latitude at 29 degrees 51 minutes 58 seconds N, and west of a line of longitude at 89 degrees 14 minutes 08 seconds W.

Recent biological sampling by the department indicates the reefs in this portion of the public oyster seed grounds are experiencing a localized mortality event. Additionally, harvest surveys by the department indicate these reefs are also receiving concentrated harvest pressure. Therefore, the closure is necessary to protect the remaining oyster resource, allowing growth of that resource for future harvest opportunities. Continued commercial harvest could threaten the long-term sustainability of remaining oyster resources in these areas. Protection of these remaining oyster resources from injury is in the best interest of these public oyster seed grounds.
To view a map of the current oyster closure areas see above or visit:
The Commission authorized Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Secretary Madison D. Sheahan to take emergency action to close areas on an as-needed basis based on biological data or if enforcement problems are encountered. The Secretary is also authorized to take emergency action to reopen areas previously closed if the threat to the resource has ended and to open areas if substantial oyster resources are located.
Public notice of any opening, delay, or closure of a season will be provided at least 72 hours prior to such action unless the Louisiana Department of Health orders such closure for public health concerns.
For more information, contact Robert Caballero at (504) 286-4054 or