As a precautionary measure, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has closed a molluscan shellfish harvesting area in Area 3 and ordered a recall of all oysters harvested from that area since January 10, 2025. This includes shucked, frozen, breaded, post-harvest processed and oysters for the half-shell market due to norovirus-like illnesses reported from oysters consumed from that area. Area 3 is located east of Lake Borgne, north of Eloi Bay, and includes Chandeleur Islands and surrounding marshes. 

All Louisiana oysters harvested outside of Area 3 as well as all other Louisiana seafood statewide is safe for consumption. Oyster Area 3 is only one of 30 Oyster Areas that are harvested along Louisiana’s coast.

While norovirus has not been confirmed, 15 people became ill with non-life threatening norovirus-like illness after eating the Louisiana oysters at several New Orleans area restaurants between January 15 and January 31.

LDWF is coordinating with LDH to ensure no oysters are harvested from these waters during the closure and that all local oyster harvesters who work in the affected area are notified.

Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham, M.D., and LDH Secretary Michael Harrington signed the closure order today, which takes effect February 4, 2025. The Area 3 harvesting area is expected to be closed for at least 21 days. 

Please view the Louisiana Department of Health website or call 800.256.2775 for more information on their closures.

Oysters are filter feeders and can accumulate contaminants and microorganisms present in the water, which can in turn affect people who eat raw or under-processed contaminated oysters. If you suspect you have become ill from contaminated oysters, please contact your regional epidemiologist ( or submit a report at